Whom Shall You Fear?

Whom shall you fear?

In this crazy world and in light of recent events in Paris, San Bernardino and Brussels many would answer the question above with ISIS.  Yet others who are wrapped up in a crazy political season in the USA might answer the name: Trump, Clinton, Sanders or Cruz.   Would you cower before a giant bent on destroying you, while promising to cut off your head?  What about an illness in you or perhaps one of your little children?   How about losing your job?  Would the threat of losing your income cause you to panic?  Are any of these powerful enough to cause you to fear?  Should you fear any of these?  What about the God of the Bible?  Do you fear Him?  Should you fear Him?  Let’s look at this closer and consider the Word of God.  Perhaps then we’ll be able to have peace in a world full of chaos.  Perhaps then we can learn Whom to fear and when.

Should you fear ISIS?  If you did, you’d be in the majority.  The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria are a group of radical muslim’s who desire to kill all infidels and to them America is the main enemy.  They want nothing more than to destroy us as they attempt to take over the world.  They are bad news and no one to be trifled with.  Respecting their strength and capabilities is wise, but to fear them is something no one needs to do.  I’ll explain why in just a bit, after I consider the other questions.

Some in America are caught up in a political frenzy.  They fear Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or even Ted Cruz as if one of them win the presidency of the United States they’ll be worse than our incumbent president Obama.  I’ve heard rhetoric comparing several of the candidates to Hitler.  I can understand to a certain point, because I was once terrified when Obama was elected.  I didn’t have a proper perspective and thought Obama’s election was a sign the end was near and the Lord would return at any moment.  I was afraid of what would happen because I wasn’t thinking straight.

Would you cower to a giant who mocked you, and came at you with all he had?  Certainly bullies today take all shapes and attack those who they perceive as weak.  Once a giant threatened an army using intimidation and they were terrified because he was a giant among warriors.  He ridiculed them, belittled their God and challenged them to a duel to the death.  His name was Goliath and even the mightiest warrior and King of Israel feared him.  A small boy who had faith in God was the only one willing to stand up to that giant.  You can read about that in 1st Samuel Chapter 17.  Where many feared, one had faith, faith not in himself, but in God.  David was on to something and we’ll look closer at that in a moment.

My daughter was just sick.  In fact she was very sick and in the PICU for a week.  Others I know have dealt with even worse, cancer, heart issues, chromosome disorders just to name a few.  As a parent you hate to see your child suffer.  You can easily get caught up in fear.  Fear of the unknown, fear of what will happen, fear that your child can die.  Is this fear rational?  Is this fear sin?

Recently some close to me have lost their jobs.  As a manager I have had the distinct unfortunate duty to let a person go.  It is never easy, never fun and always serious business.  The question always comes, “what do I do now?”  It’s a gut wrenching time.  Fear for many sets in as they start to ponder how they will pay their bills, provide for their family and sustain their self worth.  Is the fear of not having a job, nor a source of income a justifiable fear?  Doesn’t the Bible teach us in Matthew 6 :26-31 not to worry about how we will be provided for?

26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

We’ll come back to that chapter of the Bible in a minute, as it has more to say that we can use to conclude this conversation.  The problem with fear is we fear the wrong things, the wrong people and give them far too much credit in our own minds.  Consider the story of Job.  We learn from Job a few valuable lessons.  First we learn that the devil himself is not able to hurt Job without the permission of God in Job 1:9-12

Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?

10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.

11 But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.

12 And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord.

Not only isn’t he allowed to hurt Job, once given permission to hurt him, he is only allowed to go as far as God allows.  So initially he is allowed to hurt his family and possessions but not the health of Job, and then a bit later he is given permission to hurt him physically but not allowed to kill him.  Job teaches us that God is in control of everything.  Satan wanted to kill Job but he wasn’t allowed to.  Job feared God, not satan and Job was right.  Why should we fear someone, anyone who can hurt us only if God allows?  We shouldn’t.  But why would Job fear God?

Recently I finished reading the book of Judges.  It’s a good Book to use to help me illustrate my conclusion on why the only one we should fear is God Himself.  Consider the people of Israel who would cyclically lean on God, follow God, fall away from God and ultimately repent as they desired to be freed from the penalty of their sin.  It’s a pattern we see over and over from the time they leave Egypt as they wandered through the desert and then even as they entered the promise land.  Continuing that pattern under the rule of the Judges before they were given a king, the people would sin, and the Lord would wax hot.  Examples can be found:  Judges 3:8, 3:12, 4:1-2, 6:1, 10:6-7, 13:1 which the children of Israel found themselves in submission to many different people groups, namely:  Mesopotamians, Moabites, Canaanites, Midianites,  and Philistines.  Were the children afraid of their captures?  Did they fear what would be done to them?  Did they fear how or if they would survive?  What is clear is they didn’t fear the Lord.  Since they kept forgetting Who God Is, and what God had done, they kept repeating the cycle of falling away from the Lord.  They had no need to fear anyone on the planet or any condition but they didn’t recognize that.  When all was well, they would fall away from the Lord and worship idols, follow other man made religions.  God allowed the people groups mentioned above to capture and rule over the Israelites because they left Him.  He was catching their attention via these rulers.  The Israelites would ultimately repent time and time again after they were captured and God would show them time and time again that He was in control.  How soon we all forget about God and His power when all seems right in our world.

This is where we are today.  We fear ISIS, politics, illness, bullies and the circumstance of how we sustain ourselves but have in large part forgotten God, His power and His Authority.  I contend if we would just get people to read the Word of God, understand what it actually says and follow the One God sent, we’d be much better off.  We should fear God because He is the only one who can condemn us to Hell.  We read that after we die, we will all be judged in Hebrews 9:27.  How will God judge you will depend on what you did when you were alive, namely did you believe in Him or not.  Revelation 20:12-15 says:

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

God is the only one you should fear.  No one can hurt you that God doesn’t allow to as we learned about in the Book of Job example above.  No one can send you to Hell but God Himself.  Satan is not in control.  Even satan will go to Hell as you can read about in Revelation 20:10:

10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Satan will not rule Hell.  Satan is condemned to the same fate as everyone else who is sent there, namely eternal damnation, suffering and separated from God without end.  Don’t let your ignorance or what the world would have you believe taint your view of reality.

What we believe doesn’t make something true.  Truth is not relative either.  The truth is fear of anything but God is a waste of time and energy.  A healthy fear of God can save your life forever.  Once you know God is in control, and that only God will judge you, then you should get straight with Him.  If you will humble yourself, admit you’re a sinner, repent of those sins and ask Jesus to be your Savior because He is the only one who can save you, then God will adopt you into His family.  You will then not be judged for your sins, because God will have forgiven you.  It may seem crazy to fear God and not to fear any of the things I’ve discussed however it is what the Bible teaches.  God wants us to have peace.  We cannot have peace however until we have settled forever by being forgiven of our sins.  I once heard someone say the Bible tells us 366 times to fear not.  That is enough to cover each day of the year, including leap year.  God doesn’t want you to cower in fear.  He wants you to have a healthy fear of Him and faith in Him.  Trust what He has written.  Trust Him for as Jesus said in John 16:33:

33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

 So I’ll leave you with this, if you’ve not given your life to Christ, you should be afraid.  If anything kills you, you will live forever separated from God in Hell.  I strongly urge you to consider your destination and take care of that now by submitting to the will of God.  You can be forgiven right now, simply by believing in Jesus and calling on Him for salvation.  Read Romans 10:9-13:

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

 If you have been saved, then fear nothing or no one but God.  Fear that you don’t anger Him like the Israelites used to, so He has to punish you to get your attention.  Remember Matthew Chapter 6?  It concludes this way in verses 32-34:

32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

My friends, may the peace of the Lord be with you, after you trust in Him for salvation.  No one can hurt you without His permission.

God isn’t a genie, He’s so much better.

I pray with anticipation and I’m happy to watch the Lord work. He is not a genie, He’s so much better. There is peace to be found by laying your burdens down at the feet of Jesus. His will be done for He is Holy and Righteous and Good. He is my comfort.  Are you leaning on Jesus for help or are you going it alone?  When you ask Him for help, He won’t always (nor even most of the time) answer you the way you expected, why you might ask?  Because He knows better than we do what we need and what is best.  He gives us so much more than we deserve, because we’re sinners.  He gave everything, including His life on the cross, so we could live with Him forever in Heaven.  What ever it is that you think you want, you should trust God’s judgement more.  If you do, true peace will be found.  It starts with trusting Him as Savior, but it continues into the minutest of details in our daily lives.  God is aware of all our thoughts, all our desires, all our problems, all our needs.  He has the power to give us and protect us in and from all things.  I’m glad He is good.  He’s much wiser than I am, so I’m glad He’s in control and gives me what He wants me to have, what’s best for me, even when I’ve convinced myself what I want is obviously the right thing.  I’m learning to simply want whatever God’s will is.

Evangalism isn’t a career for me it’s a lifestyle!

My occupation isn’t evangelism but my desire is evangelize as much as possible. Why? Because we all have sinned and the penalty for that is eternal separation from God in Hell, unless we accept the free gift Jesus paid for by dying on the cross. You can’t earn your way to Heaven but you can go if you put your trust in Christ alone.

I want to share this Good News with every one. There’s no need to suffer, the debt has been paid. God is just, holy and good. He has provided the way the truth and the life. Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior yet?

Are you forsaken?

Are you forsaken? Are you struggling and can’t ever seem to win? Perhaps it’s because you aren’t following the law of God and you refuse to repent. Consider this: “And the Spirit of God came upon Zechariah the son of Jehoida the priest, which stood above the people, and said unto them, Thus saith God, Why transgress ye the commandments of the LORD, that ye cannot prosper? because ye have forsaken the LORD, he hath also forsaken you.” 2 Chronicles 24:20

Perhaps it’s time to recognize who you are and who God is, humble yourself, repent of your sin and accept the Lord as your Savior. Food for thought.

Wives can understand your husbands better

Men and women are different.  My wife and I don’t have a lot in common.  This article helps explain the thought processes of standard men.  It was good so I thought I’d share:

1) Concern for your happiness

2) Sex (duh)

3) How to achieve more

4) Searching for peace

5) Food

6) Money

7) Sports (might surprise you why)

8) Pain from the past

9) Leaving a legacy.

I recommend you read the article.

9 things your husband is always thinking about

Starve your eyes challenge. Change your life!


Want to change your life? Want a better marriage? Want to be a better role model for your kids? Take thirty days and do this challenge. I can tell you that I did it. I’m still doing it and my life will never be the same. Read the book Every Man’s Battle too. I encourage you all to do it. Man up men and see how He will bless you.

Freedom of religion, NOT freedom from religion

Freedom of religion is not the same as freedom from religion.

Think about that. God doesn’t want to be ignored, he wants to be worshiped. Those who Want America to be great again, perhaps it’s time to get back to where we started. All we need to do is turn around and walk purposely back to the Lord. We need to stop letting the loud minority silence the overwhelming majority of Americans who believe in God. Why do we let the ignorant few dictate the terms of our societal culture? We allow them to openly mock the Lord, our faith, even what was once common decency. We are falling further and further down a path of filth and destruction on a horse of entitlement and self gratification. When will those who believe stand up and take a stand?

American Colonies were founded largely because families were looking for a place to practice their religion freely, not because they didn’t want anything to do with religion. Those colonists were trying to escape religious persecution, not live in a godless wicked land. I wonder where they’d go today as they try to escape the ever hostile and God free climate brewing in our once great nation. I wonder if one day I will move there too. I pray for America all the time. I hope our people will repent and turn to the Lord and follow Him again. I want so badly for America to be what it once was. It can be again, if it so chooses. God help us.

We’re not all going to Heaven, Hell is the default

“We’re all going to Heaven.” How many times have I heard it? It’s a popular lie. Who you believe in and what you believe is not relative. There is one truth, not many.

What makes you think your religion will save you? It wasn’t good enough for the Jews, hence the need for Jesus to come and be the Savior. The Jews are God’s chosen people, so if religion isn’t good enough for them, what makes you think your religion is good enough to get you to Heaven?

I think you should humble yourself and consider the words of the Bible. The words of Jesus in John 14:6 (just one example) “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

I hate to see people trying to be good and doing their best to follow religion misguided and ultimately on the road to Hell because no one is telling them the truth. Don’t take my word for it, but please consider the source of your beliefs. Why do you believe what you believe?

Trust God, not religion. Trust your Bible not the traditions of your religion. If you are spending more time doing rituals than reading your Bible perhaps you might want to consider the possibility that you are being misled.

Heaven is a real place and so is Hell. Going to Heaven is as easy as asking Jesus to be your Savior (if you mean it) and going to Hell is even easier. All you have to do to go to Hell is not ask Jesus to be your Savior.

You can go to church everyday of your life. You can be the world’s best person. You can help the poor, love your neighbors and donate all you own. Without Jesus you’ll still go to Hell.

I didn’t make the rules, but those are the facts according to God. Trust in Him, follow Him and go to Heaven. I beg you to consider.

My Priorities Have Changed. It’s NOT All About Me!

Sometimes the priorities in your life dictate where you are and what you do even when you really want to do something else. Today I was all set to attend a conference about evangelism. I’d been looking forward to it for over a month. I absolutely love sharing the Word of God with people and feel called to be used in this way. But the events of the past week have made it necessary I stay home serving my family instead. Family trumps ministry to me. We all live by priorities, even if we don’t verbalize them or even think about them. My priorities used to be more common. I put myself and my job first and gave my left overs to my kids, wife and God. The Lord has changed my thinking and I believe my priorities now are much more in line with what God wants them to be. So what is the order of my priorities you ask?

1) God. He is first. I trust Him, worship Him and follow Him irregardless of circumstances.

2) My wife. Other than God, she’s my priority. She comes before everything and everyone. My partner for life, whatever she needs is always crucial to me.

3) My children. They need me to provide and protect but also discipline, guide and set an example for them. Showing my boys how to be men and my girls what a man looks like for them when they are considering their future husband. Yes showing my kids what a godly marriage looks like is one of the many important things I must do. I’ve struggled with that but the Lord continues to help me. My goal with the kids is to help them know the Lord and then encourage them to choose to follow Him on their own volition. Law abiding and productive citizens able to provide for themselves while loving their neighbors and fearing God, yup that’s the goal.

4) My job. Seriously many people have this in the wrong spot. They believe their job provides for their needs so they live like their lives depend on it and put work above all else. Actually God provides for your needs through your job (amongst others methods) so you insult Him by turning your job into an idol. I used to to think this way too, so I understand the mindset but I’m glad to have my priorities in line. The job is important but not above the people above. I trust the Lord more than my boss.

5) Ministry work. I love to serve the Lord by doing volunteer work however my job does come before these activities. Sharing, singing, teaching and manual labor all are ways I feel compelled to serve but when my wife, children and or my job need me, they come first.

6) Self. My hobbies and or resting. This is where I stand. Last on my list. My needs are met. The Lord takes care of me. My wife takes care of me. My children help me. My job helps me. My church family helps me. It’s so easy to be selfish and put yourself first and I did just that for far too long. God changed my mind for the better and I’m glad.

So here I am not at evangelical conference this morning, after missing four days of work. I’m here at home, looking forward to a day of service and providing my wife a much needed rest, to encourage her to heal from her surgery and at the same time train up my kids by example. Lessons about life come from more than just words or thoughts expressed on Face Book. Priorities aren’t just what you say and write, but they are mostly what you do.

My priorities are securely in place, even though I still struggle to execute them the way I want. I thank God for putting them in the proper order in my brain, so I can live more closely the way He wants me to. He is good. His ways are perfect. I’m not perfect, but I’m trying to be better. I’m so glad the Lord has never given up on me. Oh what a Savior.

American Christians Suffering for Christ? Not yet but probably soon.

What is suffering for Jesus? As an American Christian who is also a white, male, heterosexual with a bachelors degree, I don’t think I truly understand what suffering for Jesus sake really is. I’ve never actually suffered for Him. Sacrifices I’ve made are minuscule compared to others around the world today. I’m inspired by the recently beheaded Egyptian followers of Jesus who died as martyrs for Christ sake. Jesus died so we could live. So my goal is to live as much as possible in a way that glorifies and calls positive attention to Jesus. Who am I? I’m a sinner, spoiled by the Lord, living a life many envy, only because of what God did for me. I have peace knowing I’m where God wants me to be and that He is the one who writes our story. He created me and made me who I am. I’m not ashamed to be the American Christian male heterosexual married father with a degree. My goal is not to suffer but to live. To live each day with my eyes wide open, searching for the opportunity God’s providing me to do His will. This is my conviction. One day He might call me to suffer and if He does, so be it. My hope comes from the Lord. He still lives. He’s still in control. He loves me (despite all my flaws and failures) and that gives me great peace. I know Jesus is my savior. I love Jesus.

I believe America is not far behind Europe and the Middle East when it comes to the open persecution of all things related to Jesus. I openly wonder as Americans travail collectively further away from God how long it will be for these religious persecutions to start happening on “our” soil. Why would God protect a nation who openly mocks Him now?

I’m not afraid for my safety but the thought is disheartening as the solution seems so clear to me. To prevent the slippery slope we simply need to return to the Lord. An American revival is needed. How will that come about when we’re not willing to talk about Jesus? I see so much filth everywhere via tv, film, radio, internet and very little talk about Jesus. Garbage in garbage out. Christians in my opinion need to “man up” a bit and openly discuss Christ, what He did and how it can help. We need far more “soul winning”efforts. People need to get inspired by the Holy Spirit and worry about what happens to those who die without asking Jesus into their life as savior. This is not a game. This is life and death. Political correctness will condemn many to hell because those who “loved” them were too gripped with fear or apathy to open their mouth.

Some are willing to lose their heads to proclaim Jesus is Lord. What are you and I willing to do? Hard questions but important. Think about it and be silent no more!

Without Jesus you’re going to Hell forever. That’s not my opinion, that’s what the Bible says. If you believe God, take Him at His Word. Want help talking to God in prayer, asking for salvation from Jesus or have earnest Biblical questions, please let me help you. It may just be what God has intended for me to do.