American Christians Suffering for Christ? Not yet but probably soon.

What is suffering for Jesus? As an American Christian who is also a white, male, heterosexual with a bachelors degree, I don’t think I truly understand what suffering for Jesus sake really is. I’ve never actually suffered for Him. Sacrifices I’ve made are minuscule compared to others around the world today. I’m inspired by the recently beheaded Egyptian followers of Jesus who died as martyrs for Christ sake. Jesus died so we could live. So my goal is to live as much as possible in a way that glorifies and calls positive attention to Jesus. Who am I? I’m a sinner, spoiled by the Lord, living a life many envy, only because of what God did for me. I have peace knowing I’m where God wants me to be and that He is the one who writes our story. He created me and made me who I am. I’m not ashamed to be the American Christian male heterosexual married father with a degree. My goal is not to suffer but to live. To live each day with my eyes wide open, searching for the opportunity God’s providing me to do His will. This is my conviction. One day He might call me to suffer and if He does, so be it. My hope comes from the Lord. He still lives. He’s still in control. He loves me (despite all my flaws and failures) and that gives me great peace. I know Jesus is my savior. I love Jesus.

I believe America is not far behind Europe and the Middle East when it comes to the open persecution of all things related to Jesus. I openly wonder as Americans travail collectively further away from God how long it will be for these religious persecutions to start happening on “our” soil. Why would God protect a nation who openly mocks Him now?

I’m not afraid for my safety but the thought is disheartening as the solution seems so clear to me. To prevent the slippery slope we simply need to return to the Lord. An American revival is needed. How will that come about when we’re not willing to talk about Jesus? I see so much filth everywhere via tv, film, radio, internet and very little talk about Jesus. Garbage in garbage out. Christians in my opinion need to “man up” a bit and openly discuss Christ, what He did and how it can help. We need far more “soul winning”efforts. People need to get inspired by the Holy Spirit and worry about what happens to those who die without asking Jesus into their life as savior. This is not a game. This is life and death. Political correctness will condemn many to hell because those who “loved” them were too gripped with fear or apathy to open their mouth.

Some are willing to lose their heads to proclaim Jesus is Lord. What are you and I willing to do? Hard questions but important. Think about it and be silent no more!

Without Jesus you’re going to Hell forever. That’s not my opinion, that’s what the Bible says. If you believe God, take Him at His Word. Want help talking to God in prayer, asking for salvation from Jesus or have earnest Biblical questions, please let me help you. It may just be what God has intended for me to do.

About Ira Bowman

I am a happily married man, blessed to be the father of eight children. I have trusted Jesus as my Savior. I live my life to be more like Jesus and less like the world, because He died so I could live. Even though I have sinned many times and in many different ways, I am forgiven and will spend forever with Jesus thanks to the promises of God in the Bible via verses such as Ephesians 2:8-9 and Romans 10:9-13. Now I hope to serve God and shine His light so others may know Him and likewise follow the Lord.

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