Freedom of religion, NOT freedom from religion

Freedom of religion is not the same as freedom from religion.

Think about that. God doesn’t want to be ignored, he wants to be worshiped. Those who Want America to be great again, perhaps it’s time to get back to where we started. All we need to do is turn around and walk purposely back to the Lord. We need to stop letting the loud minority silence the overwhelming majority of Americans who believe in God. Why do we let the ignorant few dictate the terms of our societal culture? We allow them to openly mock the Lord, our faith, even what was once common decency. We are falling further and further down a path of filth and destruction on a horse of entitlement and self gratification. When will those who believe stand up and take a stand?

American Colonies were founded largely because families were looking for a place to practice their religion freely, not because they didn’t want anything to do with religion. Those colonists were trying to escape religious persecution, not live in a godless wicked land. I wonder where they’d go today as they try to escape the ever hostile and God free climate brewing in our once great nation. I wonder if one day I will move there too. I pray for America all the time. I hope our people will repent and turn to the Lord and follow Him again. I want so badly for America to be what it once was. It can be again, if it so chooses. God help us.

About Ira Bowman

I am a happily married man, blessed to be the father of eight children. I have trusted Jesus as my Savior. I live my life to be more like Jesus and less like the world, because He died so I could live. Even though I have sinned many times and in many different ways, I am forgiven and will spend forever with Jesus thanks to the promises of God in the Bible via verses such as Ephesians 2:8-9 and Romans 10:9-13. Now I hope to serve God and shine His light so others may know Him and likewise follow the Lord.

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