Evangalism isn’t a career for me it’s a lifestyle!

My occupation isn’t evangelism but my desire is evangelize as much as possible. Why? Because we all have sinned and the penalty for that is eternal separation from God in Hell, unless we accept the free gift Jesus paid for by dying on the cross. You can’t earn your way to Heaven but you can go if you put your trust in Christ alone.

I want to share this Good News with every one. There’s no need to suffer, the debt has been paid. God is just, holy and good. He has provided the way the truth and the life. Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior yet?

About Ira Bowman

I am a happily married man, blessed to be the father of eight children. I have trusted Jesus as my Savior. I live my life to be more like Jesus and less like the world, because He died so I could live. Even though I have sinned many times and in many different ways, I am forgiven and will spend forever with Jesus thanks to the promises of God in the Bible via verses such as Ephesians 2:8-9 and Romans 10:9-13. Now I hope to serve God and shine His light so others may know Him and likewise follow the Lord.

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