God isn’t a genie, He’s so much better.

I pray with anticipation and I’m happy to watch the Lord work. He is not a genie, He’s so much better. There is peace to be found by laying your burdens down at the feet of Jesus. His will be done for He is Holy and Righteous and Good. He is my comfort.  Are you leaning on Jesus for help or are you going it alone?  When you ask Him for help, He won’t always (nor even most of the time) answer you the way you expected, why you might ask?  Because He knows better than we do what we need and what is best.  He gives us so much more than we deserve, because we’re sinners.  He gave everything, including His life on the cross, so we could live with Him forever in Heaven.  What ever it is that you think you want, you should trust God’s judgement more.  If you do, true peace will be found.  It starts with trusting Him as Savior, but it continues into the minutest of details in our daily lives.  God is aware of all our thoughts, all our desires, all our problems, all our needs.  He has the power to give us and protect us in and from all things.  I’m glad He is good.  He’s much wiser than I am, so I’m glad He’s in control and gives me what He wants me to have, what’s best for me, even when I’ve convinced myself what I want is obviously the right thing.  I’m learning to simply want whatever God’s will is.

About Ira Bowman

I am a happily married man, blessed to be the father of eight children. I have trusted Jesus as my Savior. I live my life to be more like Jesus and less like the world, because He died so I could live. Even though I have sinned many times and in many different ways, I am forgiven and will spend forever with Jesus thanks to the promises of God in the Bible via verses such as Ephesians 2:8-9 and Romans 10:9-13. Now I hope to serve God and shine His light so others may know Him and likewise follow the Lord.

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